/*Designed by Be Myself Inc. For personal use only. Please don't present again. All Rights Reserved.*/
/*僅供個人自用,請勿改製再分享或用於商業用途 Copyright: 版權所有 保留一切權利*/
/*NAME: 2019噗版CSS基本款 */
/*DATE: 2019-01-27*/
/*BACKGROUND: none */
/*INSTALL: (https://www.plurk.com/installDesign/3997864-0102d35ee6) */
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div#empty_timeline_fg img, div#empty_timeline_bg img, /*設為私密狀態時的噗浪肉骨獸*/
div#footer, /*頁尾*/
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div.feed-link, div.help, #fan_holder.friend_holder span, /*登入註冊噗浪說明相關*/
.nick_name, /*@暱稱*/
#span_years, /*年齡*/
#m_or_f, /*性別*/
#relationship_container, /*感情狀態*/
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.cmp_karma_up, .cmp_karma_down,
a.link_arrow, a.link_arrow link_badges, /*卡馬小箭頭*/
div.show_mutual_friends, .show_all_friends, /*列出朋友、共同朋友、粉絲*/
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a#private_plurks_tab_btn.off_tab, /*私人訊息*/
a#responded_plurks_tab_btn.off_tab, /*回應過的訊息*/
a#replurked_plurks_tab_btn, /*轉噗的訊息*/
a#favorite_plurks_tab_btn.off_tab, /*喜歡的訊息*/
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background: none !important;
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div.replurk_count /*轉噗*/
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color: rgba(137,137,137,0.9) !important;
background: none !important;
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.plurk .time a, .plurk .time a:hover
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div.manager {}
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color: rgba(137,137,137,1) !important;
background: none !important;
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color: #555 !important;
div.char_updater, div.char_updater span
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div.char_updater.char_highlight a:hover
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div.dash-segment.dash-segment-stats /*統計區*/
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padding: 5px 5px 13px 5px;
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font: 400 11px verdana;
color: #333 !important;
div.dash-segment.friendsList.dash-segment-fans /*粉絲區*/
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background: rgba(0,0,0,0.4) !important;
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p#about_me a:hover
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.list .empty /*沒有回應的噗*/
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color: #bbb;
/*NAME: 2019噗版CSS基本款*/
/*DATE: 2019-01-27*/
/*BACKGROUND: none*/
/*Designed by Be Myself Inc. For personal use only. Please don't present again. All Rights Reserved.*/
/*INSTALL: (https://www.plurk.com/installDesign/3997864-0102d35ee6) */